Quatrochi Dinner Club

The Champions!
Sara, Matt and Dave sharing oven time
November dinner club was last weekend at Nick and Danielle Quatrochi's house.  We went to high school with Nick and he was quite the tennis star back in the day.  His wife Danielle is an olympic, marathon runner and needless to say there is a fair amount of competitive spirit in their house.  That's why this month's dinner club was suited perfectly for them.

For a fun twist on the traditional dinner club, they organized a pizza making competition.  Teams were drawn, basic ingredients were provided and the teams were off.  We were told ahead of time that we could bring two additional "secret ingredients".
Spice up your life!

Every pizza was delicious and while I feel I was slighted tying for 3rd, I do agree the winner was the best.

Order the pizzas came in with the winner listed first:
  1. Mike and Megan: Delicious dessert pizza with peanut butter between two layers of crust and chocolate sauce drizzled on top - yum!
  2. Dave and Josh: First to eat pizza with pepperoni, green chilies and mushrooms and grilled to perfection.  
  3. Nick and Carly: Spice up your life pizza with red sauce, tomatoes, jalapenos, spicy sausage and siracha hot sauce.
  4. Max and Danielle: Very fancy white sauce pizza with sauteed mushrooms and truffle oil.
  5. Matt and Sara Y.: Not too sweet, and very unique BBQ chicken pizza.
  6. Carly and Sara K.: Overboard pizza with too many delightful ingredients including but not limited to: sausage, prosciutto, artichoke hearts, capers, sun dried tomatoes, figs and three types of cheese.  

Skinny Mini

We took Carina in for her 9 month check up and her stats are shown below.  I've been feeling guilty that she is in the 10th percentile for weight.  I've always loved a nice, chubby baby but as I've said here before, Carina can't sit still long enough to eat much and she's so active that I think she works it all off.  The doctor wasn't concerned about her weight and was once again impressed by how social she is.  

Height: 27 3/4 inches: 50th percentile
Weight: 16 lbs 9 ounces: 10th percentile
Head: 18 inches: 90th percentile 

Sammy's stats at 9 month check up were:
Height: 27.5 inches - 48th percentile
Weight: 18 lbs 9.5 ounces - 50th percentile
Head Circ: 18 inches - 90th percentile

Samantha was almost two pounds heavier! But, look at my smart ladies with giant heads! 

Professional Travelers

Cousins Presley, Sammy and Lola
We just got home from a wonderful visit with my extended family in Oklahoma and Texas.  We planned our trip so we could be there for to celebrate my Aunt Gina's 50th birthday. 

We had such a fun visit and the girls were exceptional travelers during our plane and car trips.  Samantha had a ball playing non-stop with all of her cousins and Carina won everyone over with her smiles and personality. 

Next stop is Florida in about a month as we are on the two week count down to Baby Auld's arrival!

Nursemaid Elbow

When Samantha was about 5 months old, she had the hiccups and my mom was lightly pulling her arms above her head when she heard a pop.  Samantha was immediately in pain and crying and after we took her to to the ER and to see her pediatrician we found out that she had nursemaid elbow.

Nursemaid's elbow or Pulled elbow is a dislocation of the elbow joint caused by a sudden pull on the extended pronated arm, such as by an adult tugging on an uncooperative child, or swinging the child by the arms during play. The technical term for the injury is radial head subluxation.

It is awful to watch your baby in terrible pain and while it is fairly easy to get popped back in by a doctor, we were warned that some children are more prone to this happening and we could expect it to happen again.

Since then, it has happened three more times.  Once, as she was just learning to stand, she was holding on to Dave's leg and as she slipped, he pulled her arm up to keep her standing and popped it out.  As we were walking to the pool this summer, my dad and I were walking and tried to swing her one time and  it popped out.  And while we were in Oklahoma last week, my dad pulled her up from laying down and it popped out again.

Samantha is very serious, thoughtful, young girl.  For about a week after it happened this summer, when I went to get Samantha up in the morning, she would look at me very solemnly and the first thing she would say was "I'm sorry you hurt my elbow Mommy, I know that it was an accident."  Way to lay on the guilt child!

Last week when we arrived at the ER in Oklahoma at 9 pm, we were told it would be a 2-4 hour wait.  Luckily my cousin's boyfriend has a sister who is a doctor and was nice enough to come meet us and pop her elbow back in.  It is amazing to me that moments after it is fixed, it is 100% better.  I guess we need a lesson in how to do it ourselves - after doing some more reading online it looks like after the age of 6 we should be in the clear.