Keeping it Clean

I was not raised in a particularly tidy house. In fact, there is a framed plaque hanging up at my parent's house that reads: A Clean House is a Sign of a Wasted Life. Dave on the other hand is quite a neat freak. Not necessarily scrubbing things to keep clean, he is more of the making piles and picking up kind of clean. Over the years I have made the adjustment and our house is usually clean and I would say that both of us like having things clean and in working order.

The baby has become a whole different story. I started out being very particular with her cleanliness but babies are messy! For awhile I got frustrated with how dirty Samantha would be when I picked her up after work. But, the more time that goes on, the less I fight her mess and the more comfortable I am having a little pig pen daughter. Don't get me wrong, she gets a bath and scrub down every night. But dinners sometime have a way of turning into a royal mess like the photo shown here. I love this photo - it really captures the stage she is in right now.

She loves beans and that also includes putting beans in her hair, all over her face and on her clothes. I'm hoping that when she is done crawling and is walking full time, she won't get her hands or her clothes quite as dirty.

1 comment:

April said...

I love that picture! It is too funny with the beans smeared in her hair. I don't think the walking will put an end to food in the hair :) least it hasn't for Audrey.