B is for Baby and Bossy!

In the past few months, Samantha has been displaying signs of a serious attitude. She shakes her head adamantly when she does not approve or doesn't want something (including most food). In fact, she throws the food she does not want right on the floor. This is fine at home because Javier the pug is grateful for everything she throws his way but in restaurants it can be quite embarrassing. She also has a very high pitched shriek when there is something that she does want that is out of reach.

When you tell her no,or she is frustrated, she has been known to put her head down on the floor and cry in an extremely dramatic fashion. Is this the terrible twos already?

Now, when I tell people about these personality traits, or explain her attitude, every single time they say "Well, I wonder where she gets that?" and that is followed by a sarcastic chuckle. What's that all about??

Then, depending on the day I respond with a "Must be from Dave", or a "Definitely from Molly, my sister in law" or every once in awhile, "Maybe from my mother in law Judy". I'm attaching a short video of what happens when you decide you are done pushing her on her little car, I finally figured out how to flip it around but then it wouldn't load so you will have to watch with your head titled! It will give you a feel of how she runs the show around here!


April said...

I think it is terrible twos! Which, from what I hear should really be called the terrible 1 -3s :). We started having the same behavior from Audrey around a year. The throwing herself to the ground and wailing is really embarrassing out :). We have been reading an awesome book called Parenting with Love and Logic...and it has given me some good strategies for dealing with it, so it doesn't turn into the terrible 4 - 18s. Good luck!

We should get together sometime, I would love to see how big Sam is getting.

drpasser said...

Seems normal to me. I will send you my DVD.


Unknown said...

I can't believe after all your work on this post that the video is still sideways.

Jeanine said...

Lola does the same thing with her swing. Plus when you leave the room. Sam is so cute I cant wait till nov. Love You