Dinner Club - Our Turn

Dinner club had taken a bit of a hiatus but we brought it back on Saturday at our house.  We prepared a Mexican fiesta complete with homemade salsa, guacamole, tortilla soup, chicken enchiladas, black bean salad, spanish rice and tres leches cake.  If I do say so myself, it was delicious and it was so fun to get the group back together.  We had our guys vs. girls charades face off once again and the ladies won, second year in a row.  

Not What I Was Expecting

I woke up on Wednesday to Samantha wishing me happy birthday, was serenaded by my Grandma and then went to wake up Carina.  It smelled awful in her room and I quickly realized she had thrown up all over her crib at some point in the night.  Not only did she have vomit all over her crib but it was caked into her hair and pajamas.

My mom arrived and helped me clean Carina up and everyone seemed alright as I left for work.  Lucky for me I have an amazing and kind group of people that I work with.  I had flowers and cards on my desk when I arrived which was incredibly thoughtful and we all went to lunch to celebrate my birthday.  Have I mentioned how much I love my job and the people I work with?

I had plans to go with Dave, the girls, my parents and in-laws to dinner but shortly after naps it was Samantha's round of vomiting.  We called off dinner and instead I spent my evening cleaning up and looking after Sammy.  Wasn't exactly the day I was expecting but it was still filled with so much joy and I was humbled by all the kind wishes of my friends.

A few weeks ago I attended the funeral of a co-worker of mine from Return Path.  This strong, sassy, hilarious and vibrant woman had battled cancer for nearly a decade and was a single mother to a young daughter.  I was struck after her death by all the inspiring words on her Facebook page.  There was an outpouring of love where everyone (me included) described the impact she had made on our lives.  I was very empty though knowing that we missed our chance to tell her. Rather than dwelling on the moments I have missed with people close to my heart, I decided on my birthday that my resolution this year is to let everyone know on their birthdays what they mean to me and how glad I am that they were born.

An Easter Tradition

Carina was too small last year to hold up all the lace this dress has to offer.  So we had to pull it out this year and take a little photo shoot.  You may remember we had Samantha in the same dress here, the dress originally belonged to my sister Madeline.  

We had a big weekend celebrating Passover on Friday night, Easter on Sunday and then I threw a baby shower for my friend Annie Polk Sunday afternoon.  Samantha told me that her favorite part of Passover was finding the afikomen and her favorite part of Easter was finding the eggs because she is an excellent finder.  

Samantha is sporting an adorable new bob haircut these days.  Every time I turn around she is saying clever things and explaining to me the way she sees the world.  She continues to impress us with her memory and recognition. As I celebrate my birthday, I feel so fortunate for these girls, my amazing husband and our wonderful family, parents...even the dog. ;)