Bed Rest Rebel

I am cautiously optimistic that we are going to have a baby this week! My doctor promises me that she will not be changing her mind this time around. I'm not sure I completely believe her, but if all goes as planned, I will be checking into the hospital Tuesday evening.

After the whole back and forth last week I was feeling frustrated and decided to begin a new "modified" version of bed rest. All of my test results were looking so good, my feet were not swollen, in all honesty, I was questioning my doctor's decision to have me on bed rest this whole time at all. My new version of bed rest included a brief walk around the block each day and getting out of the house once a day or so. I can't tell you what a huge difference this small amount of movement made. My mood improved and I was feeling semi-normal for the first time in weeks.

By Sunday I noticed that my feet had gone back to being fairly swollen -- today they were worse and my blood pressure was up at my doctor's appointment. Also, the doctor called this evening to tell me that my protein levels shot up from last week, almost 200 points. Okay, so she was right. The way I figure it, we all win. I now know that the bed rest was not done for nothing, I got a boost in my mood before delivery and now it is officially time for the baby to make her debut.

So, let's try this again! Hopefully we will have good news to share on Wednesday!!

Sam's Room

I wanted to show a few pictures of the nursery now that it has come together. After three baby showers and many thoughtful gifts, we are all set! I do have to say that as soon as we received the first frilly dress for Samantha, I started to become very nervous that I would have a boy. My best friend Ryan says that I am going to have a boy as payback for the April Fools joke I played on everyone. With a dresser packed full of pink outfits and flowers on the wall, I sure hope it is a girl...I think I've had enough surprises lately! But either way we have a cozy place for Sam to lay her - (or his!) head.

We Will Survive!

It has been a rough week but I'm doing good. Sometimes I feel like the baby might just live inside me forever, in a few years I might even take her to elementary school still in the womb. I was upset with the run around the doctor gave me this week. I won't lie, there were some tears shed over the confusion, but I am more than willing to wait on anything that is best for the baby.

Dave's Uncle Kevin made a good comment about Sammy needing some more time alone...I like that. According to my mom, even when I was a baby I would cry to be put down and left alone. Many people blame it on me being an only child for so long but I think it is deep inside of me, I need quite a bit of "alone time" to get by. Maybe Sam knows all the crazy people who will want to hold her and bother her when she arrives and she needs some more time for herself too. I told you she is smart.

The Rollercoaster Continues

The only real way I can explain this is by telling you that my doctor is about 8 months pregnant and probably not thinking as clearly as usual. She called me this afternoon about an hour before I was supposed to go to the hospital to tell me she had decided she would like me to wait another week before being induced.

My doctor talked to the doctor who was on call tonight and she now feels strongly that it is too early for me to be induced. Of course I am all about what is best for the baby but it is very confusing when one day she is telling me how the baby is full term and will be in perfect shape and then the next day she is telling me that going into labor would put me and my baby at risk.

I told her that I was ready to have the baby or get off of bed rest! That is not really a possibility and we agreed that we would talk on Friday about setting the next induction date....who knows when this baby will arrive. Maybe this Thursday I will go to my bootcamp class and get things going on my own.

Let's Get This Party Started

Last night I felt like I was 10 years old and it was Christmas Eve, so much anticipation! My doctor let us know yesterday that I will be induced on Wednesday. We will check into the hospital tonight, they will apply some gels to "ripen" my cervix before bed and in the morning they will either break my water and/or give me pitocin to get labor going.

If all goes well we should have our baby on Wednesday! I am nervous and excited and scared and giddy all at once. I can't wait to meet this girl! Hopefully we will figure out a way to share the news sooner rather than later with all of you!

Secret Outing

This evening I escaped the house for a secret pedicure mission! Dave dropped me off at the nail salon to get my feet rubbed and my toenails painted. I felt like a rebel and was a little nervous I was going to bump into my doctor there but it was well worth it. I was so grateful just to be in the car going anywhere besides the hospital or a doctor's appointment!

In other news I went to the hospital today for my weekly NST (non-stress test). This is a test that monitors the baby's heart rate with one band and my contractions on another. They use this during labor too. The nurse said the baby looked perfect. I appreciate this test because it shows on the monitor what I feel all day...lots of crazy contractions. The nurse asked me how I sleep with those contractions and when I replied somewhat ashamed that often I take a half of a Benedryl to sleep, she responded with "Good idea, I would too!"

As I start my 37th week, we posted a new photo. You can't totally see but the baby has dropped which helps with the heartburn and my ability to breath!

Who Knew?

I know people have done this whole bed rest thing for months at a time. I am really, really trying to have a good attitude but I'm ready for this to be over now. After having friends in town over the weekend I feel as though I got a second wind and I've been wanting to go for a run...or at least a walk instead of sitting on the couch all day! At yesterday's doctor appointment I was no more dilated than last week. I was disappointed that these contractions that I have every few minutes are all for naught but she assured me this is a positive thing. It looks like we are in good shape to make it to full term, 37 weeks, which is one week away and then we are going to talk about inducing me.

But, who knew golf was so exciting? I thoroughly enjoyed watching the U.S. Open and even though I became very depressed that Rocco didn't win - I couldn't have asked for a better golf tournament. Plus, I like that Tiger has a daughter named Sam. Pretty cute. Next thing you know I'll take up watching car racing...please Samantha, don't wait too long.

Sorry, No Photos for You

Have I mentioned how well Dave is taking care of me these days? I want to preface this blog post by saying what a great guy Dave is. He is very smart, he's a great lawyer, he's funny, he is financially responsible. However, technologically savvy he is not...

When our friends began to text message, Dave was very unhappy. He did not understand how to text or how to check his text messages and what made him even more mad was that he got charged money for those messages that he never saw. I tried to teach him, but he still has not caught on. The same happened with instant messaging. I finally got him to download a program to his computer a few years ago and when I wrote to him he replied anxiously "DO YOU SEE WHAT I AM TYPING RIGHT NOW?"

The list goes on and on, he just has no interest in technology. He doesn't want to learn how to join the Facebook/MySpace revolution and he is downright nervous that I have this blog at all. He is sort of like a grandfather trapped in a 30 year old body, nervous of these new fads that the young folks are trying. I'm telling you this as we prepare for Samantha to come because until I am able to get on a computer, there will be no blog posting announcing her arrival, no pictures to show you what she looks like and no stories about how it all happened. He might be ready for a new daughter but he is not ready for the technology to share the news!

Notes from the Couch

I've officially made it through one full week of bed rest. I've had a few meltdowns because I just want to get up and go outside, but all and all I am doing just fine. I will say that being able to work has been really helpful - the company I work for, Return Path, is always incredibly flexible and full of caring people. They have been very understanding and the weekdays are much better than the weekends for me because at least I'm accomplishing something and participating in calls while I sit here.

I have been having a lot of contractions, yesterday it was about one every 10-15 minutes. When I went to the doctor this week she said I was 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated so really it could be any day now. I'm hoping she waits until next week - we have a lot of visitors coming to town this weekend for a baby shower! But, I figure she is teaching us early on that we don't get to make our own plans anymore.

Bed Rest Can Be Fun Right?

I realized a few days ago that this blog had started to get a little depressing. Come on now, we have a baby coming soon, that is reason enough to celebrate! I am a firm believer that laughing at yourself and the circumstances you find yourself in can sometimes really help you through rough times. So today as I was getting wheeled in a wheelchair to an ultrasound at the hospital I thought how hilarious it was that one week I am doing my crazy boot camp class and running around and the next I am in a wheelchair getting ready to have a baby.

So, I have signs of preeclampsia which means I am swelling in my feet, hands (and recently my face!) and, I'm leaking protein from my kidneys. The only real cure for preeclampsia is delivery of the baby and since we are not quite ready for that yet, I have to be on strict bed rest for the next few weeks. The good news is that they predict from the ultrasound today that the baby is just over 5 lbs so if we can bake her a little longer, she will be in excellent shape.

There are certainly lessons to be learned here. I don't like to ask people for help but I can work on that during this time. I don't like to sit still for too long but I can now rest up for the baby. I can catch up on books I have wanted to read and finalize work I still need to transition. And, we can all see what happens when I let go of my obsession with laundry and give up my duties to Dave. Who would have thought that bed rest means NO laundry!?? Wish me luck...this should be fun!

Just Not My Week

It has been pretty much smooth sailing with this pregnancy until this past week. I have felt increasingly uncomfortable, my heartburn has been terrible and today I went in for my regular weekly check up and ended up back in the hospital again. This time I had a fever and the baby's heart rate was really fast (180) along with my usual contractions and swollen feet. I went over to the hospital in tears and got hooked up to all the monitors again.

Luckily my mom came to keep me company and the baby settled down pretty quickly once I rested in the hospital. I'm still having contractions and am low on iron but the good news is there is no infection and if I continue to take it easy and stay hydrated I should be fine. I have a follow up appointment on Thursday - I'm just praying it doesn't end up like my last two.

I do know how to read all the machines now and as Dave says, at least I'll be a pro once I actually do go into labor.