Da Da Da Daddy!

Okay, I will finally admit it. Samantha has a first word - Da Da Da Daddy. She says Daddy from the time she wakes up until she goes to sleep. You can see for yourself in this short video, it isn't her best performance but it is hard to get her to do things on demand! I've also posted some new pictures of our little Valentine. She is really fun these days and when she isn't saying Daddy, she LOVES to look at herself in the mirror, she continues to be obsessed with dogs and she has started saying HI!


GrandmaG said...

My dear sweet granddaughter, I must say that Samantha made my day! She is so smart to talk so early! :) Remember what your GG said, "If your baby's first work is "Da Da" then your next child will be a boy." Your February photo's are precious. I will be ordering some. Hugs, Grandma

GrandmaG said...

Hi-I didn't proof read my comment about the first WORD. I said, work instead of word. You think I might be getting old? :) Love, Grandma

Anonymous said...

Let's add that she also says "Gee Gee". I'm sure she means Grandma Ava.