How Much Sharing is Too Much?

From the day I started this blog over a year ago, Dave has been worried. We are both worriers in general but we worry about completely different things. Generally, I worry about what people think and if everyone is happy. He worries about saving money and following the rules. With the blog, he wanted me to be very careful about what I share on the internet. Every time I write a post with personal information or something that isn't common knowledge, he is concerned again. I bet his is very worried right now.

These days with blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. it is as if everything is out on the table. I also question what is too much information to share. One day I mentioned to someone at work that Dave and Samantha were taking swim classes and she said "oh I know that from your blog". I forget sometimes how broad the web of social technology reaches. The idea behind having a blog was to share my experience being pregnant and being a mom. Trust me, there are things that I have not shared to protect the feelings of others (remember that's what I worry about) but I try my best to be honest.

I keep saying that if you are interested in social technology (blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) you are either a narcissist or a voyeur. You are either writing about yourself and thinking people should care or you are reading every move someone else makes. It is fair to say I'm a mixture of both. But, I'm going to work harder at finding my "perfect" place online and making sure I'm comfortable there.


drpasser said...

Thanks for sharing-

Angie said...

This is something I think about A LOT. The other day, my mom was annoyed that a friend of hers knew something about the Bug that my Mom didn't - she's my Facebook friend, and Mom was not. (Never mind the fact I called Mom twice to tell her... that's another subject altogether!)

Everyone with an online persona has to make this decision for herself - in my case, I don't put pictures or the Bug's real name on my blog; but I do on Facebook. Why the distinction? Good question... it doesn't make much sense if you think about it. Either way, I don't post anything that makes other people look bad or feel bad - honest without being mean. I think the trick is figuring out what you want to write that people want to read. Your audience is as much a determinant as anything else, right?

Anonymous said...

you and Dave (and Madeline) are all freaks, but my grandbaby is the BEST!!

Anonymous said...

I was so afraid that this was referring to somethign I shared with YOU, instead of vice versa. ;)

GrandmaG said...

My dear sweet granddauhter, AGAIN-
THANK YOU FOR THIS BLOG! It helps me know you better. I agree with your Aunt Paula, You are the nicest, sweetest girl she knows!
Loving you more each day. Grandma