Please Be Quiet!

I have realized over the course of the last year and a half that I have a sensitivity to loud noises. I have been trying to work this out in my head lately. I mean I was a cheerleader in high school, screaming things at the top of my lungs. I enjoy social settings where there is dancing and loud conversation. Come on, Sara Keane is one of my closest friends and she is the LOUDEST person on the planet. But, I also find great comfort and a strong need for quiet time.

I often refer to this as "Carly time". My dad blames this desire for alone/quiet time on the fact that I was an only child for 15 years. I am not the person who needs to have a partner to do errands with or someone to talk to 24/7. Samantha's naps and bedtime have become the perfect outlet for me to have my quiet time to read, watch television, drink a glass of wine, take a bath, etc. What makes me crazy and anxious is when people are loud during this time.

The first six months (okay year and a half) of her life I was looking at Dave as he banged dishes or talked loudly with friends during quiet time with an exasperated look saying "Seriously? Don't you get it? Keep it down!". My sister is the worst, she clomps around the house like an elephant while Samantha is sleeping, blasts her music and shouts while speaking with her friends.

I have learned that for the most part Samantha does just fine sleeping through music blaring, video game playing and even Sara. I'm working on getting in my quiet time without being overly controlling about the noise level all of the time. But, if she is sleeping and you are around, do me a favor and do your best to please be quiet!


Sara Louise said...

People louder than Sara Keane: (1) Sandra Bernhardt, (2) Kathy Griffin, (3) Dealing Doug, (4) Madonna (she was sued recently, at least that hasn't happened to me...yet:

GrandmaG said...

That's OK Sara--I'm hard of hearing, so at least I can hear you. Love, Grandma
To Carly, Everyone needs some peace & quiet now & then.