Life is an Orchestra

Someday you should ask me about my host family in Costa Rica.  What an adventure it was to live with them.  My host mom was a real character.  We would sit around, drink coffee and smoke cigarettes for hours on end and she would give me her take on life along with all sorts of colorful analogies.  I kept saying I would write down all of her classic advice and of course I never did but a few things have stuck with me. 

She told me once to think of all the pieces of my life as an instrument.  You have to work on each one, keep practicing and when you have things in a good place, your life will sound like a beautiful orchestra.  One off instrument can cause huge disruptions to the overall synergy so you can't let anything slip or the music will start screeching and life won't sound the way you intended.  I have always wanted to live inside of a musical and I love thinking of this. 

Lately I feel like I have all the instruments in order, playing a beautiful song to the story of my life.  I have been feeling an occasional guilt because life feels so good, I am really happy and I don't know that I want to have another baby.  I have been working out a lot, going to yoga, going out to dinner with girlfriends, taking trips for work and fun.  Samantha is so fun, I feel like she and Dave are all that I need.  The more time that goes by, I am not sure I ever want to be pregnant, waking in the night, breastfeeding, or doing the whole baby thing again. Selfish yes, but honest as well.   


April said...

I can understand. Pregnancy isn't very fun (at least it wasn't for me) and having a tiny baby is really hard! The pay off to all the discomfort and hard work is pretty wonderful though.

GrandmaG said...

My dear sweet granddaughter, I thought your host mom gave you a very good analogy. Now your grandmother wants to tell you this.
"Anything REALLY WORTHWHILE will cause you some pain or agony." You need to have a little sister for Samantha. Margrethe is mad at her parents because many times she is a lonesome girl. When Samantha has her 2nd birthday, start working on her little sister. "A WISE Person Learns From Others Mistakes" Another one of my sayings. I love you, Grandma