
Lately, I've been feeling like Samantha doesn't look much like me or Dave.  Or rather, she looks like a combination of people, mainly Dave's sister Molly and Dave's Dad.

Earlier this week I found an email my Grandma sent to me when I was about oh 12 weeks pregnant.  The email said: This is what baby Sam will look like but he will have dark, curly hair.

I have to admit I do see the resemblance. And, although Sam is a girl, she does look a bit like this with dark, curly hair.

I finally got my camera working again so you can see the latest photos of our ridiculously cute daughter here

1 comment:

GrandmaG said...

What adorable little girls! I see both you and Dave in Sammy. But she is her own person and that is what she is supposed to be. Love you much, Grandma