Jekyll and Hyde

I have mentioned that Samantha has been exceptionally kind and tender with Carina. She holds her hand, checks on her first thing when she wakes up, wants to help with diaper changes, sings her lullabies and says things like "Hey there little cutie" or "Hello Carina, I'm your big sister" and "We are best friends".

That is why it has been so difficult to handle and understand Samantha's tantrums that have begun to take place since Carina's arrival. Usually around bed time and lasting close to an hour, these are crazy, violent eruptions where our sweet daughter is barely recognizable. She screams and flails around, bangs herself into the door, hits and then screams so long that she comes close to vomiting.

As quickly as they come on, they also end abruptly which is almost equally as disturbing to me. She seems to understand more than a typical two year old and her screaming and thrashing will stop and she calmly will say "Mommy, I just really miss you right now, can you please come snuggle me".

I've been reading everything imaginable and every book explains that this behavior is completely normal but seriously?! I can't imagine that every child acts like this, it is too terrible. It is almost like she holds it all together 90% of the time that it is too much to handle for her. These tantrums on top of being sleep deprived have me feeling very anxious. Dave calls it her "Poltergeist" tantrums and I do live in fear that her head will start spinning and her next fit will start. That being said we have had two solid tantrum free days which has given me some faith that we may start to turn a corner.

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