
I know I keep saying it, but Carina Jean is truly the happiest baby I've ever seen.  She smiles in her sleep, she smiles right as she begins to cry, she really is non-stop smiles.  Her Daddy calls her Smiley and after you watch this video, you will get a glimpse why.


Great Ma said...

Carly-this is what I've been waiting for! I watched it 5 times!Carina is an exceptionally cute baby. Makes me so homesick to see her. Thank you-Thank you-You have made my day! Hugs & kisses to you all. Grandma

Kristi said...

I cannot wait to hold her!

Great Ma said...

June 8--I've just watched this again several times. I'm waiting on another U-Tube with Sammy in it too. Hugs and Kisses to all. Love you much, Grandma