Should I Be Concerned?

Take a look at this latest video of Samantha:

Seems perfectly normal that she would imitate what is going on with me with a growing belly.  However, should I be concerned that she views giant knees as part of pregnancy?  As you can see, not only did she put balls inside of her shirt for the belly, but every time she does this, it is accompanied by a ball in each pant leg at the knee....very interesting. 


April said...

That is too funny!

drpasser said...

It's the Bee's Knees.

Great Ma said...

That is so adorable. Concerned--I don't know--are your knees fat? Sammy's just a little girl with a fun imagination. I'm not only anxious to meet Carina, but I'm getting very homesick to see Sammy also. Love you much. Grandma

Great Ma said...

P. S. Your U Tube wasn't long enough. I wanted to see & hear more of Sammy and wanted to see you on U-tube also. Love you, G-ma

Kristi said...

Love it!!!!