It has been pretty much smooth sailing with this pregnancy until this past week. I have felt increasingly uncomfortable, my heartburn has been terrible and today I went in for my regular weekly check up and ended up back in the hospital again. This time I had a fever and the baby's heart rate was really fast (180) along with my usual contractions and swollen feet. I went over to the hospital in tears and got hooked up to all the monitors again.
Luckily my mom came to keep me company and the baby settled down pretty quickly once I rested in the hospital. I'm still having contractions and am low on iron but the good news is there is no infection and if I continue to take it easy and stay hydrated I should be fine. I have a follow up appointment on Thursday - I'm just praying it doesn't end up like my last two.
I do know how to read all the machines now and as Dave says, at least I'll be a pro once I actually do go into labor.
Hang in there Carly! I'm thinking of you and baby Brantz. Call me anytime ...
Oh Carlita, that is such a bummer. You know I'll do anything I can to help. xoxo
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